Nine (9) BenefitsDrink SOFTRIDE Mineral WaterMineral water. It is water that contains mineral elements that are important for your body such as iron, calcium, manganese, fluorine. After doing strenuous activities that emit a lot of fluids - such as exercise - the body needs to return the minerals that come out with sweat. Minerals are needed to control body temperature and help with metabolic processes.Below are some of the benefits of drinking Softride water, as one of the MINERAL WATER:1. Lose Weight2. Maintaining Bone Health3. Regulate Blood Pressure4. Regulate cholesterol5. Helping the Electrolyte Needs of the Body6. Maintain Digestive Health7. Maintain Kidney Health8. Maintain Skin Health9. Increasing Power of ConcentrationImmediately DOWNLOAD this application for FREE! and get the freshness of mineral water from Garut present in your home!Agent agents are currently spread in:1. Garut2. Bandung3. Cianjur4. Lake5. Banjar6. Ciamis7. Depok8. Karawang9. Subang10. West Bandung"You dont have to go to GARUT to be able to enjoy the natural environment of arrowroot, just by drinking the water, SOFTRIDE☺"